Holiday Happiness

Editor basks in joyous times Christmas season has to offer

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The holiday season, there’s a reason it’s called the most wonderful time of the year. There are so many reasons to enjoy this holiday season. For one, I think I can speak for most of us when I say that having two weeks off from school is definitely something to look forward to. Also, December means ABC Family’s 25 days of Christmas special with all of the childhood favorite movies such as: I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus, Grandma got Ran Over by a Reindeer, The Polar Express, and my absolute favorite; Elf. Bringing in the winter season means fuzzy socks, sweaters and hot cocoa. There’s so much to do during the winter time, if you want to go out and do something you could go to the Trail of Lights, or if you would rather stay in; winter is the perfect time to snuggle up on the couch and watch movies all day.

Holiday time means family time, going out and picking a perfect Christmas tree that will fill your house with the scent of pine and oak is about the best thing I could imagine. Also, during the holidays companies whip out peppermint and gingerbread products. Who doesn’t love a good peppermint mocha? Nature’s transition from fall to winter is like day and night, from oranges and deep greens to greyish blues and whites; all so beautiful and breathtaking.

It may not snow here in Texas but that won’t stop me from playing in the single-layered ice. If you try really, really hard you could make a four-inch tall snowman. Although, it’ll probably take all the “snow” in your backyard. We may not get big snow storms but the winter skies are truly breathtaking. It seems that in winter, all of the stars that could ever exist show in the sky bigger and brighter than any of the other months. Even though it gets dark around 5:30 p.m. its more time for the stars to shine and that deserves to be appreciated. It seems that in winter, the world has put a new filter on, showing everything in a new light. Families grow closer, nights become longer, and the world is happier.

So ‘tis the season to a chapter in our lives’ ending and with spring coming around, a new one beginning. Enjoy life now because times are changing like the seasons. Bask in the wonderful things this season has to offer because it only happens once a year, from putting up the Christmas tree to counting down to the New Year, holiday times are the best of times.