The Ultimate Bibliophile

Journalism I staffer relishes in book addiction


Jaci Chavera, Journalism I Staffer

The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, The Immortals, The Heroes of Olympus, Divergent, Beautiful Creatures, The Hunger Games. All of these books make up who I am. They helped me through the tough times in my life.

Most people in my life tell me I read too much and that reading is boring. I say they’re wrong. Honestly, I’d rather be reading, listening to music and playing with my dogs than being out shopping or hanging out with my friends. Now some people might call me a nerd or anti-social but that is completely not true if you really got to know me. I just enjoy reading more than other activities. It’s kind of like when people say they like ice cream better than veggies.

Books are my second life. They allow me to escape my reality and live the life of another even if it’s only for a short period of time. I really never enjoy my life as it is because I have to constantly live up to expectations that I almost never meet. When I read, I can forget about rules and stress. I can relax and live in a completely different dimension with “people” who get me.

No joke, I will laugh, cry, smile and frown when I’m reading. I just have that connection with the characters to where I feel what they are feeling in that certain moment. My connection sometimes gets to the point to where I throw the book across the room or even vow never to read another book by that author.

There is never going to be enough time in the world for me to read every fantasy book published. Sadly, that is the unavoidable truth. Although, I do have a goal that will satisfy my needs, I will read the entire fantasy section in our school library by the time I graduate. Does that make me a crazy dork? Not at all. Just a driven bookworm.

And now that I’m finished, I’m going to go read the newest most heart-wrenching novel, they have feelings and I wonder if they’ll tell me their feelings.