Cassandra Clare Addiction


Alanah Eddleman, Journalism I Staffer

Everyone goes through phases in their life. I consider this Cassandra Clare phase of my life, one of the most dramatic, romantic, obsessive phases ever. Cassandra Clare is the author of the series, The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices. There is a difference between an obsession and an addiction. An addiction is something you cannot control, an obsession you can control. My name is Alanah, and I am a Clare addict.

I have been reading these books for only a week, but I am already on the fifth book. My friends have been getting tired of me reading all the time, but I just can’t help it. I am an addict, yet I don’t want any help. Clare puts me into my fantasy world and sometimes I get really frustrated with what is going on in the book, but I can’t stop reading; I can’t put the book down, almost ever.

I used to never like reading books and I would make fun of those book nerds walking around the hallway with three books in their hand, but now I am that book nerd. I am not sure exactly how I have become so attached, but I have a feeling it has to do with the world that Clare puts me in of shadowhunters, mundanes and demons. Whenever I read it’s like the whole world around me has stopped and I become a part of the world. When I become a part of the Shadowhunter reality, I like to play the role as one of them.

Many people would be very confused when I make references to the book such as saying “By the Angel,” instead of “OMG!”, but I do not pay attention to those stupid mundanes. I run around sometimes pretending I am a shadowhunter and my friends are demons and I pretend to kill them. They comment on it and they laugh and make fun of me, yet they haven’t started ignoring me yet, so I continue to live as a shadowhunter.

Cassandra Clare has lately been the cause of my emotional rollercoaster, my strange actions, and the daily freakout session. I would not wish for anything less, for this is what a good book should do to you. You should go insane over it. Everyone knows I can go on and on about the series itself, but this is just the basis of my Cassandra Clare addiction.