Awkward Dating Stories

Journalism staffers share their uncomfortable moments when it comes to dating and love


Sallie Chambers, Rumbler Staffer

“My crush of one and a half years asked me out to see a movie through text message. At the time I was just so excited to get asked out by him that I didn’t even care that it was by text. Looking back though I realize that it kind of sucked of him to ask through text and I probably shouldn’t go out with someone that asks through text again.”
-Alyssa Jingling, 10

“He (the guy I liked) built up my confidence by saying that I should ask the person I liked out. So I asked him out and he turned me down.”
-Morgan Spring, 11

“I was at a movie with a friend when her boyfriend, who she was planning to break up with, showed up with 24 roses. She ended up breaking it off with him while he just stood there with the flowers. Afterward we walked around and gave the flowers out to a bunch of random people.”
Janessa Spencer, 12

“This guy at my old school asked me out, but I really didn’t want to go out with him but my mom made me go. I took him to where my current boyfriend works just because I knew he would be there and it would be really awkward.”
-Christina Franklin, 12

 “This girl came up to me at lunch and asked me out. I said yes but it turned out that it was just a dare.”
-Nicholas Hickam, 12

 “Freshman year Homecoming I was too shy to say anything to my date. I spent almost the entire night curled up in a ball terrified to say anything.”
-Delzi Wilkinson, 10

“Back in 7th grade I had a girl break up with me on my birthday; I asked her if I could still have a birthday present. I never got my present.”-Canyon McDonald, 10