

Sallie Chambers, Rumbler Staffer

You’ve been working up the nerve for weeks. Your palms are sweaty, your heartbeat is racing and you can’t seem to catch your breath. It’s one of the most nerve-racking experiences of your life, and you have no idea what’s about to happen.

You walk up to your crush, and every catchy well-phrased word flies straight out the window; You send the most stressful text or Facebook message known to existence with the hope, however slim it may be, that they like you too.

But you still manage to ask them for a date, coffee, the movies, anything.

And they say no or laugh. Or even worse they agree to go but don’t bother to show up. Every teenager has been through this. But what if you’re on the other end?

Someone you don’t like, possibly haven’t even noticed before comes up to you professing their undying love. Talk about awkward. So where is a happy middle ground? How do you say no thanks while still being polite and not totally destroying the other person’s confidence?

Well, first thing first be thoughtful of the other person’s emotions. Everyone has had a crush on someone – if you were in their shoes how would you feel? Keeping that in mind, try to be polite.

One thing you should never do is give false promises. If you don’t intend to go on a date with the person, tell them that. Don’t promise things you don’t intend to follow through with. One of the worst feelings in the world is getting excited and ready to go on a great date, just for them to never show up.

Lastly, even if you don’t have any initial interest in the person don’t be afraid to give them a chance. Sometimes the best relationships or even just friendships happen under the most unlikely and spontaneous circumstances.