ROUSE REPLIES: What is your Halloween tradition?

“I go to the House of Torment every year.”
-Neriah Burden, 11

“Well, I go scare the little kids to death.”
-Dylan Williams, 12

“I go to the bonfire because everyone gathers around and has fun.”
-Caleb Wilson, 10

“I go to a party and hang out with friends and hand out candy.”
-Savannah Wells, 10

“I go out with friends and go trick ‘r treating.”
-Kaitlyn Bell, 10

“I go trick ‘r’ treating and eat candy.”
-Robert Paul, 11

“I always wait for kids to start coming and give them candy and then I’ll go trick ’r treating”
-Caroline Noble, 9

“On Halloween I decorate with the family, watch the Nightmare Before Christmas, and go out at night with my friends.”-Dominick Dao, 10