School Daze

Sophomore creates list to help stay positive with the new year

School Daze

Alyssa Jingling, Staffer

I don’t know ab0929Alyssas online mugout you guys, but when I’m left to my own devices, I can easily sleep until noon. Unfortunately, I have a couple of classes before then that I need to attend. Being jolted awake by Asia’s hit “Heat of the Moment” (Supernatural, anyone?) at 6:15 in the morning is definitely way up there on my list of reasons why I already miss summer.

Why do we start school already dreading the year, even before we’ve met our teachers and classmates? That sort of negative thinking might make us predisposed to an awful school year. Obviously, I can’t go back now and change my negative attitude from the first week of school, but I’ve compiled a list of things that I’m going to do to make this school year my best.

First, I’m going to dress nicely. Wearing sweatpants and baggy tees makes me want to snuggle on the couch with Netflix, so it makes sense that looking nice makes me want to go out and do something. That something being schoolwork, of course.

Second, I’ll be decorating my folders and binders. Sixth grade all over again. This time, though, it will be goofy pictures of my favorite band members that make me smile, not doodles and signatures from my friends.

Next, I’m going to try to sit up front and/or participate more in class. Most of our teachers are really awesome once you get to know them, and if I participate more, I find that I understand the material better. Getting good grades makes me look forward to class.

Finally, I’m going to smile more. A school full of frowny faces typically makes me feel frowny. Those days where everyone smiles at me makes me bubble up with happiness. A random compliment never hurt anyone, either. You never know who really needs a kind word.

These things definitely won’t stop me from having the occasional bad day, but maybe they can prevent a bad year. And if not, I still have Chris Martin plastered all over your binder to look forward to.