Student Council picks a Oz-inspired theme for Homecoming 2014


Kristin Nicol, Co-Editor in Chief

I don’t think we’re at Rouse anymore.

This year’s Homecoming theme “There’s No Place Like Home” is inspired by the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz.

“We thought Wizard of Oz was going to be a theme that everyone knows,” senior Student Council president Jessie Reyes said. ”We figured students would be more pumped and willing to participate.”

As part of the festivities, StuCo created Homecoming shirts and chose Oz spirit days for the first three days of Homecoming Week. The Emerald City-inspired theme will culminate with the dance Saturday, Sept. 20 that will feature a yellow brick road in the cafeteria.

“I think this year will be the best we’ve had,” Reyes said. “StuCo is working hard to make this the best. We can go out and more students will be able to participate in the dance and theme days. Come to the parade, football game, and dance for fun and to show support for the school.”