Four days without phone makes freshman realize the educational plus side


Kierra Rocio, J1 Staffer

I was ticking down the hours until I got my phone back after my mom confiscated it. I went without my phone for four days; and although the first day was terrible for me, it became easier after that.

Although I complained how awfully terrible it was for me, it benefited me in a way. Since I had nothing better to do over the weekend, I spent my weekend on homework and missing assignments from my core classes. Without my phone as a distraction for me I accomplished so much in half the time it usually takes me.

It’s funny how I used to think it would be impossible to go a day without my phone. It’s better to occupy yourself with things that are more efficient in which will help benefit you. You should try it; you’ll notice a big difference.

I was failing one of my core classes but I had so much time on my hands, I was able to finish my assignments which raised my grade average significantly. Instead of wasting my day over silly text messages and games, I was able to use my time wisely and actually accomplish things.

Many teenagers are always glued to their phones, yet at the same time they’re risking their time over their phone text messages and games for friends and/or boyfriends and girlfriends. This is probably the main reason why some teenagers are failing one or more classes in high school.

It’s not necessary to give up your phone for good, but maybe set aside your distraction for awhile so you can accomplish what needs to be done. Although I highly doubt you’ll die without having your phone for at least two hours. I recently began turning off my phone when I’m doing homework so I can focus better. That tiny little vibration from my phone can cause the biggest temptation for me. Don’t let your phone distract you from carrying out your responsibilities and even more from what you enjoy doing for yourself. I’m pretty sure the people on the other side of my phone can wait.