Staffers indulge in summer pastime of binge watching


Kristin Nicol and Jordan Buie

Most teenagers over the summer go to the pool, tan at the beach, or shop endlessly, but not us. We become hermits and live indoors, growing paler and paler with each passing day in order to finish that season or watch “just one more episode.”

Binge watching – watching many episodes in a short period of time non-stop. It’s an endeavor, but the accomplished feeling after getting through that next season of Supernatural or The Big Bang Theory is just intoxicating. Thing is, we just start with one episode and then guess what; season finale rolls around, and plot twist; it’s like three parts, then before you know two seasons have gone by and you realize “Oh my god, it’s 3 a.m.” The worst part of all of this is that we find ourselves unable to pull away even in the wee hours of the morning when most sane people have long since retired for the evening.

Binge watching – watching many episodes in a short period of time non-stop.

Netflix and Hulu provide an easily accessible source for binge watchers everywhere so long as there is some Wi-Fi or internet source to splurge off of. They have almost every season available at just the flick of a button, allowing spazzes of all sorts to indulge and relish in the laughs and feels of Doctor Who, Sherlock or Pretty Little Liars.

Ah, the feels…While we’re on this little tirade we might as well explain to all you newcomers what Feels are. Feels – when someone sees something that is so emotional that the viewer is left in tears or a total fit of giggles.  In other words, that strong physical feeling you get when your favorite character dies or the villain loses the battle. Overall, THEY SUCK THE LIFE OUT OF YOU.

In the end, all we can say is that despite all the feelsy moments, total heartthrob characters, and an overwhelming lack of sleep, it’s worth it. We love the obsession and the fangirl moments that only people belonging to a fandom would understand. So, if you ask us what we’re doing this summer, we’ll have one answer and one answer only.

Binge watching.