Five place at UIL district meet, move on to regional contest

Photo by Bridget O’Malley

Senior Kristina Jingling shows her first place medal after winning News Writing at the district UIL meet.

Kristin Nicol, Online Editor

Five students placed in the top three of their categories at the UIL Academics district competition, March 24 and 29, at Dripping Springs High School.

In the journalism events, senior Kristina Jingling won News Writing, sophomore Jordan Buie was third and senior Bridget O’Malley won Editorial Writing.

Sophomore Sam Felice took second in Literary Criticism and fourth in Ready Writing. At the speech district tournament, sophomore Kailey Hunt was third in Informative Speaking.

The five students will compete at regionals in San Antonio, May 1-2.

Sophomore Sam Felice (right) goes over his results at the UIL district meet. Felice placed in both of his events and will compete in Ready Writing at regionals.
Sophomore Sam Felice (right) goes over his results at the UIL district meet. Felice placed in both of his events and will compete in Ready Writing at regionals.