When it comes to love and life, embrace your fears


Taylor Pena, Journalism I Staffer

Love is the greatest gift that life has to offer. Everyone loves differently, whether that’s loving a song, your sister, your new pair of shoes, a candle scent or a 15-year-old boy. But lately I’ve been fascinated with romantic relationships, and the way someone can make you feel.

In my life I follow many rules, but love isn’t one of them. I don’t think there’s such a thing as loving someone too soon or too easily. Love’s unpredictable and frustrating and tragic and beautiful. It can drive you crazy and leave you breathless, but that’s why I’m so enthralled with it.

Most of the time people are afraid to allow themselves to fall in love because they don’t want to get their heart broken. You have to take chances and know that your fairy tale image of the world doesn’t always match reality.

The way I see it, you fall for who you fall for. Sometimes people move you more than others. Let your heart be your compass.

When you catch yourself thinking about that person and you can’t stop smiling and your heart is beating fast and you can’t think straight – to me that’s when you know you like someone. When I see the boy that makes me feel like this, I find it harder to talk to him. I always think I’m going to trip and fall and make a fool of myself because that’s how awesome my luck is.

Honestly though, it’s okay to have fears and to have doubts, but it’s also okay to face your fears and live in spite of those things that scare you the most. I encourage you to fight for what you want even if every time you’ve tried before, you’ve failed. If you never try you’ll never know how things can turn out. Being brave and going up to the guy you like is the act of being fearless. If things don’t work out, at least you can walk away knowing you gave it your all.

Don’t go through life thinking, “Oh, I could of but now it’s too late.” If you know exactly how you feel about someone, don’t hesitate. Tell them.

Keeping your emotions locked up isn’t fair. Don’t let the moment pass you by without speaking up, and don’t ever regret being honest about your feelings.
