Resurrection review

New show on ABC brings back to life the impossible


Kaelyn Smith, Journalism I Staffer

8 p.m.

Jacob Langton [Landon Gimenez] died 32 years ago as a child. He comes back from the dead without aging a day and remembers every detail right before he died. Therefore, second chances are great especially when it means you get another chance at life. With the help of an immigration officer, Jacob finds his way back to his parents. Henry Langston [Kurtwood Smith] is in total denial that his son if back even though he just saw him with his own two eyes. On the other hand, Lucille Langston [Frances Fisher] takes her son back gratefully and doesn’t even think twice about it. As the show continues more characters come back from the dead and create a unexplainable case. Resurrection is a fantastic show and gets better with each new episode. It is directed by Dan Attias, who has also directed Silver Bullet and Leon’s Case. Each episode is one hour long and jammed full of action. It does get a little confusing in places and always leaves you hanging at the end. Overall, I would recommend this show to anyone. It isn’t violent so it’s very age appropriate. This show leads you to believe the impossible which is really interesting because no other show really does a good job at doing such that.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars