Advocate five days a week beneficial to students

Madison Hanson, Journalism I Staffer

I am thrilled that Advocate has been changed to every day because homework will never go undone again. Grades will go up and stress levels down. If we could have done this from the start students would have undoubtedly done better on mid-terms.

I think that a lot of students are happy with this because it will help them get their work done and not have homework. Lots of students take advanced classes and that means a lot of homework. I cannot stress to you how much this is going to help kids for finals and STAAR. Kids can work on the topics they need help with more often now and be prepared for the giant exams looming overhead.

I use my Advocate time to study for quizzes and tests. I also go to tutorials during this time because I know that the teachers are free of lessons for at least 35 whole minutes. Even if I don’t have homework I still have things to do; like study for upcoming quizzes and tests, or reading.

On the opposing side, some students don’t like this new Advocate because they think it’s a waste of time, or they believe that it takes away from precious class time. If you don’t have anything to do in Advocate, then read a book or use the time to decompress after a long week of homework and exams. If you are using the time to do something productive like homework then it is not taking away from your normal classes because in academic classes many teachers use the last few minutes to give you work time or go over homework.

I have not met anybody, so far, that is not pleased with the new Advocate schedule because everybody I know has room to improve in a class or they have homework. Even teachers can use this new schedule to their advantage, catch up on some grading or planning the next lesson.

I am very pleased with the new change with Advocate moving to every day. This is a very helpful move that I think is going to positively affect a lot of people.