Students recall their funniest and most uncomfortable moments at work

Kristin Nicol, Online Editor

“My boss was watching me clean the toilets. She kept telling me I wasn’t cleaning them good enough, and I ended up cleaning them three times.”

Carl Urbina, 10

“I work with two year olds, and one of them thought I was pretty and tried to kiss me. There was like seven little kids and one teacher, and they all laughed because they thought it was cute.”

Haley Chasney, 11

“I was supposed to be washing the dishes, and it was like my third day. They have this big sprayer, and I didn’t know how to use it, I put the sink on high, and it shot across the kitchen to the people cooking. They all just stared at me.”

Joey Taito, 11

“There was this 12-year-old that kept flirting with me while I was taking her order. She gave me her number, which I threw away immediately.”

Joseph Strong, 10

“This guy asked me how many gay people I thought were in Austin. Then he asked me if any made his food. He said he couldn’t touch the food if someone did.”

Gracy Thompson, 10