Staffer dislikes BBC’s American schedule


Kristin Nicol, Online Editor

I love a good comedy or adventure from the United Kingdom any day, but there’s just one problem – I have to wait three weeks to watch some of my favorite shows because the British shows air later in America.

For example, BBC aired Sherlock Season 3 on Jan. 1, while here in America the show started Jan. 19. That is nearly a three and a half week difference between the two countries. I understand there’s a slew of legal work behind international television because the show is indigenous to the UK, but I should be able to watch my favorite show at the same time the British are watching.

But it’s not just Sherlock. Favorites like Doctor Who and Ripper Street are put on hold here in America while the UK is getting them nearly a month before. All of these amazing shows are still airing here, but we have to stay away from spoilers. This almost always means avoiding Pinterest and Tumblr because the people on your boards have already seen the newest installment of Sherlock or Doctor Who.

I mean you could always use a proxy or find a website that illegally allows you to stream it live, but getting arrested for illegally watching TV from my laptop isn’t my idea of fun on a Sunday afternoon. Then there’s always a group or website that downloads it like five days after the show has aired so you can watch it off of some ghetto website, which is legal, but again there is this wait that I can’t stand.

What needs to happen is that these international release deals should be made months in advance to the shows air date so that everyone watches Merlin, Sherlock, Doctor Who or Being Human simultaneously. That’s the only logical thing that can be done with this absurd idea that the UK should get all of BBC’s shows before all us fans in the United States.

I want my Sherlock just as much as the people in the UK. I am just as much of a fan girl as the people in the UK. I am a Sherlockian just like those fans in the UK, so why are they getting to watch season three before me?