“I think that’s problematic, and I really don’t think that rule is going to last very long and if it does it’s going to be very problematic for everyone because, I mean, some of the APs don’t even follow that rule. They walk down the halls eating and drinking, and, so it’s just setting a bad standard anyway.”
-junior Nate Johnson
“I can understand why they made the policy, no food in the hallways, no food in the classroom because a lot of kids leave wrappers around although I don’t really like it.”
-junior Katrina Bollin
“I’m just really mad that I can’t eat lunch or food whenever I want, ’cause I’m a big man, and I love eating.”
-junior Sean Smallets
“Well, I’m not very happy about the no food or drinks in the hallways because every morning, I normally get Starbucks, and it’s kind of irritating to have to sit outside and drink my hot Starbucks, in the possible hot weather, which is not okay, you know. I always pick up my trash at lunch, and also my friend’s trashes too so I don’t really need to be told to do that. It’s kind of a common courtesy and respect.”
-junior Zack Johnson