Once a week, every week; Advocate. Advocate is seen differently by everyone at school. Some people think it has no point and is a waste of time. Others find it very effective and important to the student body. Advocate was established to build relationships between students, adults, and others at school. It was also created to communicate school information, distribute informative materials, and transition info for moving to the next educational level. Leadership and ethical principles are also important to display during Advocate.
Rouse is not the only school that has Advocate. Although called something different, Vista Ridge, Leander, and Vandegrift also have this period every so often. VRHS and LHS have what they call ‘Advisory’, 25 minutes once a week with lessons on leadership and ethical principles. VHS also has ‘Go Time’ for a nearly doubled time of 45 minutes per week where clubs and organizations meet and some information sessions can be attended as well.
If you find Advocate a positive experience, you’ll be happy to hear that Rouse will most likely always have an Advocate period about once a week. Unless Advocate becomes ineffective in its purpose it will always be here at Rouse and we can only see it becoming stronger and increasing its efforts and support for the student body.
If you don’t find Advocate so great, it probably won’t ever get to the extent of occurring every single day. Advocate takes a lot of planning and teachers want to ensure the maximum amount of academic instruction every day.
April 5, 2010
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