A message to our readers

Dear readers,

     As many of you may know, due to COVID-19, Governor Abbott has issued an executive order that all schools will remain closed until at least May 4, extending the previous announcement that school would return April 13. 

     To continue to prosper in our learning, LISD has begun phase two of virtual learning beginning Monday. Mondays are now officially A-days, lessons/assignments will be sent out by your A-day teachers, with the assignments being due by Wednesday at 8 pm. Tuesdays will be for B-days, lessons/assignments will be sent out by B-day teachers with those assignments due by Thursday at 8 pm. Wednesdays and Thursdays will also have A-day/B-day tutorials, allowing students to meet with their teachers on Zoom if needed. The office hours for these tutorials will pertain to what period a student would have the class. 

     Grading has also changed. For the remainder of this semester, all grades will be in input as pass or incomplete, depending if the given assignment was completed or not. This means that on all official documents, including transcripts, your grade will have a P for pass or I for incomplete instead of a numerical value. GPA ranking will not be changed for this semester, students’ rank from last semester will be their official rank for the year.    

     This “new normal” can be scary and overwhelming, we know. As editors of the Raider Rumbler, our mission is to keep you updated and connected as a community. We will continue to post during these troubling times as we gain more information and insight.  

     Stay tuned, Raiders!