Lights, camera, picnic

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  • Theatre students gather for a group picture

  • Theatre students socializing in a lively conversation

  • Social Officer Addison Adames, 11 and Vice President Keaton McLachlan, 12 posing at the Theatre Picnic

Kaitlyn Tacdol, Online Editor

     On a sunny Saturday afternoon, Block House Creek Pavilion is filled to the brim with students and families – singing along to Don’t Stop Believing by Journey, playing conrhole, and socializing. This year, Junior Addison Adames hosted the annual Theatre Picnic to kick off the department’s calendar. The theatre program is comprised of 400 students and staff members who work every year to create award-winning productions. The students are broken up into six different classes between three different teachers, ranging from Theatre One to Tech to Varsity.

       It’s safe to say that bonding activities and events are a must to keep the department running smoothly. 

     “I think it’s a good way to see other people,” Adames said. “You always hear their names and see them around school, but you never really see all the people in the theatre department. Here, you see everyone face to face.”

     At the beginning of each year, student-nominated officers of the theatre department pick an event to run; from planning to hosting, the students are in charge 100 percent. Adames, the Social Officer, got first pick. 


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  • Social Officer Addison Adames, 11 and Vice President Keaton McLachlan, 12 posing at the Theatre Picnic

  • Theatre students gather for a group picture

  • Theatre students socializing in a lively conversation

picked the picnic, and it’s been her thing,” Theatre Director Stephanie Smith said. “She created it, she did all the arranging and organizing, and she’s done a great job.” 

     As a first year officer, Adames had her worries, but the outcome was better than she thought. In fact, it has opened the department to networking possibilities for this year, since RHS’ newest theatre addition, Tech Director Mel Edwards, invited her previous students from Belton High School. 

     “Belton kids are always interested in meeting other theatre kids,” Edwards said. “I think that’s what really drives them.”

     The theatre department at Belton has done potlucks and other networking activities with other schools, in ways that strengthen all departments involved such as sharing each other’s social media posts and resources. The school’s theatre department has yet to do things like this. 

     “I think it’s super cool that we’re bonding with kids that don’t even go here,” Theatre President Will Ingram said. “I hope that feeds into us getting more involved with other departments.”