Ilana Williams’ Farewell


Ilana Williams, Life and Arts Editor

    With the end of the year finally coming to a close, I feel a huge sense of relief. I feel more organized and more content with how I’m ending my last school year. The beginning of the year was stressful, especially with the number of college applications I was filling out, but the more I finished, the better I felt. Along with school, I started a new regional position outside of school that took up just as much time as college applications, but once I started getting in the hang of things, everything became easier.

   New year, means new friends. Not going to lie, I was a little nervous starting fresh. I sat in the library by myself for a few weeks, but when I started getting close with old friends from last year, things started to look up. My old friends began to introduce me to new people and before I knew it I had plans almost every weekend. I felt like I teenager. I felt happier.

    Although I went through my fair share of challenges, I always came back a better person. Instead of focusing on a problem for a few days, I moved on quickly. I got into the mindset that no one was going to wipe my own tears and pick me up except myself even though the people I surrounded myself with would be more than happy to take me out to pick me to feel better. I owe a lot to the friends I made over the past year. I’m excited to share my summer with them before we all leave for better things and I know I’ll stay in touch with a few of them.

    Not only that, but my family and I went through our own struggles and came out with a better family bond. They have had constant support for my decisions and for that, I can’t be more grateful. Whether it be where I wanted to go after high school to how I handled a situation. They let me make my own mistakes and taught me how to deal with them.

    To my future self, I hope you accomplish all your goals. No matter where you go I know you’ll have friends and family backing you up and encouraging you to take as many opportunities as possible. Please take those opportunities. You have worked so hard just to stay in one place.

    Senior year taught you three things: let go of the things that don’t matter, don’t take AP exams that will later stress you out, and everything will work out eventually. With only days left of school, I am looking forward to an exciting summer of working and adventures. This is our last hurrah before we leave, and I plan on making the most of it.