In honor of the Homecoming game on Friday night, this week is Spirit Week. This year’s theme is “Hollywood Homecoming” with each spirit day focusing on an element of that theme. Students are encouraged to dress up in spirit wear to show the team their support.
Monday: Be a Star, wear sunglasses.
Tuesday: Hide from the Paparazzi, wear camouflage.
Wednesday: That ’70s show, wear clothes from the ’70s.
Thursday: Body Doubles, dress as a famous pair or group.
Friday: Be a Raider fan, wear your Raider gear.
Homecoming Court
This year’s Homecoming court includes:
Freshman Duke Andre Alger and Freshman Duchess Rebekah Boyles
Sophomore Duke Trey Douthitt and Sophomore Duchess Megan Townsend.
Junior Duke Oliver Cochran and Junior Dutchess Arielle Millinger.
The senior court consists of Calvin Barnes, Edward Butts, Jordan Scroggins, Brady Spencer, Lucky Torres, Mackenzie Alspaugh, Nicole Kastens, Victoria Leonardo, Dominique Price and Courtney Stubblefield. The King and Queen will be announced during halftime at the game.
The varsity football team takes on Lampasas at 7:30 p.m. at Bible Stadium. The Homecoming Dance is Saturday in the cafeteria at 8 p.m. The dance is semi-formal and the theme is “Hollywood Homecoming.” Tickets are $10 at the door.