Error is the greatest human activity. It isn’t often regarded as such, but the wonderful things that come along with it are more important than being successful every time. Error is how animals learn.
You we are animals, right? We have minds, like the majority of animals. So yes, we do experience error from time to time. I have as well. It have also experienced success, but for some odd reason it’s not as frequent as my error. It’s strange at first glance, but in all honesty, it’s much more frequent to witness error.
I love making mistakes. I learn so much more from them. This is much more positive than doing things correct all the time, where life starts becoming more of a chore instead of an enjoyable adventure. I’m always screwing up somehow. Because of this, life becomes more rewarding – I have take risks quite often. (Trust me, nothing illegal) Due to these risks, I no longer meet the typical standards that our society imposes on us. I’m perfectly fine with that. I would much rather take a few chances, making a few mistakes occasionally than pace through life, dreading almost every step I take through it.
I’m absolutely certain that I’m not the first person to notice or write about this – I’ve been hearing about this risk-taking attitude since the fifth grade, it’s just now, almost seven years later, that I’m been starting to notice it in myself. I just want to enjoy myself, pushing all of the potential risks aside.
I know for sure that I’m going to grow out of this phase rather quickly, learning from the errors that I’ve made due to this risk. This way, I will become a normal (in actions, not in thought) fully-functioning human. I’m not implying that this is a dysfunction, but it has a somewhat negative effect on my thought process.
Whatever, let’s just get through this phase as quickly as possible.