Art is everywhere in staffer’s life

Photo by Erika Zaragoza

Kailey Hahn fell in love with art in middle school and has taken two years of it in high school.

Kailey Hahn, Rumbler Staffer

I sit for sometimes hours trying to get it just right. I tell myself over and over that no one knows whether or not that is a mistake. I erase for the hundredth time and stare at the paper wondering why I can’t get it to look the way I want. But this frustration does not compare to the satisfaction of completing an art piece, and being proud of what I have done.

I took art like most other kids in elementary school and I had fun, but I didn’t take it very seriously. When eighth grade rolled around and I had an extra elective I decided to take art and I loved it. Art was no longer drawing stick figures, it was bringing an idea to life. Taking that class really got me interested in art and caused me to take in my freshman and sophomore year.

I love that I have tons of freedom in art. Obviously there are still guidelines in class depending on the assignment, but every artwork is different and uniquely stylized. Two people can look at the same piece of art and feel two totally different things. You have the freedom to interpret a piece of art in any way you want.

Art is so vast that you can honestly express yourself with anything from paint to clay to making music or even dancing. We see it in our everyday lives. We see it when we walk down the street in buildings and nature. Art surrounds us all.

For me personally, art is everywhere in my life. I play the flute, piccolo, and a little bit of the piano. I am in a drawing class and also take dance classes. Art is a huge part of me and I couldn’t imagine life without it.

A few of Kailey Hahn's art pieces from the 2015-16 school year.
Photo by Kailey Hahn
A few of Kailey Hahn’s art pieces from the 2015-16 school year.