Freshman lessons

Staffer reflects on math troubles, ruined days and what’s she learned from those experiences


Shayla Anderson, Rumbler Staffer

Freshman year, the year you are back down the totem pole or fishes as some people may say. This year has gone by so fast, but then days went by so slow. Honestly, I felt like a slave to school. All my hours and thoughts were about getting out but still making good grades. This year I learned a lot.

Not just that trigonometry is a part of geometry but about myself. I realize that some goals I had like waking up early and actually eating breakfast just weren’t going to happen. I also realize some paths that I had for myself jobwise wasn’t what I thought it was going to be. I just realize that life is what you make it.

Yes, I am 14 and I don’t have a lot of things I can do, but I can never relive this year (Thank God). I felt like I complain about a lot of things that weren’t even hard or worth talking about. I do think I really didn’t try what so ever to wake up early and finish my homework, and I know I won’t do that next year because it’s not practical for me.

I learned as a freshman that it only going to get better or worse. Not stressing over things made me do better, and that’s one thing I’m glad I learned. If looking 10 years from now and realizing it’s not going to matter then I’m not going to stress over it. As teenagers we overthink and get emotional about everything which isn’t a bad thing, it’s a part of being a teenager. But it allows one bad thing to ruin our whole day, and as a freshman I realize that is what made me not motived to do anything.

I let little things ruin my day and I know for the next years to come that I won’t that let happen or I catch myself when it does. I also try to push myself into doing or making the highest grade when all reality you just have to live in the moment and hope for the best. Everything happens in time, being a freshman all you can think about is when you’re older and can drive or be on the varsity teams.

I can’t do that though. I can’t allow myself to be heartbroken because I’m very bad at math and I want to be the best. In time I will grow and find something in math that I’m good at. It could be in college who knows, but I have just allow me being bad at math happen.

Overall, as a freshman I realize next year I should put all my effort into something because you only live once, and live these years once. So I shouldn’t be less motived to do something, all because my mom yelled at me for not cleaning my room. Lastly, that I know I won’t stop thinking of the future, but I should focus and enjoy the moment and know you aren’t your circumstances and even though I feel like a slave I’m really not and education is a privilege not a right.