Geometry + failing grade = phoneless

Student turns to reading, sleep to occupy two weeks without mobile technology


Haily Martindale, Journalism I Staffer

Geometry. It is the devil in mathematic form. In April, I failed my test in this godforsaken subject. A painful 66. I was having the most wonderful Wednesday and of course, right when I reached my home, my mother demanded me to give her my phone. My beautiful, exquisite, rose gold piece of technology. I was completely blindsided and hurt.

Given, my grade in this subject wasn’t too amazing, but I was still very hurt. How could they do this? Geometry is hard. Let alone Pre-AP Geometry.

Not only was I wounded emotionally, but I was forced to do my homework without listening to the musical stylings of the 1975 (whose album I just bought the day before) and needless to say, I barely finished it without going absolutely crazy.

Then the awkward period between dinner and bedtime came. This time was usually spent watching TV and being a normal teenager by sticking my face into this 5 by 3 inch screen.

Instead I read. And read. And read. Within the next couple of days, I finished If I Stay (I suggest it to anyone who hasn’t seen the movie first), and I began to read Different Seasons by Stephen King (suggested by my father; he’s an insane fan of his writing.)

The only bright side to this horrible grounding was getting more sleep. I woke up later because I had no iPhone to scroll through while my sleepy eyes awoke from their slumber.

Then the weekend rolled around. I could practically hear my 62,000 followers on my Kendall and Kylie Jenner game calling my name. Hoping to receive some mercy from my parents, I awaited eagerly for them to hand me my telephone. But alas, my parental unit showed no sympathy. Although, I was granted the generous gift of being able to watch television.

Overall, I was without my cellular device for two weeks. Although it may not seem like much, I actually learned that I rely way too much on my phone for everything.