Thank you teacher

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, we asked students who their favorite teacher is

Destiny De La Paz & Leah Lopez, Online Editor & Rumbler Staffer

“Mrs. Delvizis because she’s really good at teaching and she helps us get our work done.”
– Chasey Davis, 10

“Mrs. Tanzer because she’s so kind and she’s always listening to all of us.”
-Alexander Ginnascoli, 11

“Mr. Anthony because even though some of the material we’re learning may be difficult he always makes it seem simple enough to where everyone can understand it.”
Jack Rodriguez, 10

“Ms. Palazolo because she’s awesome and has a Z in her last name.”
Dylan Rexrode, 10

“Mrs. Doney because she is the coolest person ever. If she knows you’re struggling then she will invite you to tutorials to make sure you pass.”
-Austin Argo, 10

“Mrs. Acosta because she is really friendly.”
-Haley Beltran, 12

“Mrs. McKee because she is really funny and also understanding. She’s also a really good teacher and class helps me destress and calms you down.”
-Alyssa Jingling, 11

“Mr. Morgan because he’s fun because of band.”
-Skyler Garrett, 12

“Ms. Howard because she always tells us funny stories and helps me do well in her class.”
-Tristan Hall, 9

“Mr. Mossman because he took a subject that I used to hate and turned it into something that I now love.”
-Taylor Hutchinson, 9