Going Solo

Editor ignores irrational fear, judgment about going to the movies alone

Jordan Buie, Editor-in-Chief

Jordan Buie columnI look to my left – a couple. I look to my right – a group of giggling girls. And here I am in the middle – alone.

For most people, going to the movies alone, sitting there surrounded by unfamiliar people, is slightly scary, occasionally humiliating, and full of judgmental stares. And well, I’m not immune to this problem either.

I enjoy the company of my friends. Having someone to whisper to when the movie springs a plot twist or even laughing along with a friend when the punchline hits makes the movie that much more great. However, sometimes everyone I know (as limited as that list may be) is busy with life and I have to either suck it up and go watch the movie all by my lonesome or give into the irrational fear and simply not go.

I’m not quite sure when I developed an irrational fear of going to the movies alone, but I know I’m not the only one. Maybe it’s the “feeling” of other people’s glares or what people think when they see you there by yourself. Now, I can’t say I’ve ever really seen someone watching me with scrutiny written on their faces, but it sure does feel that way sometimes. And now that I think about it, I don’t believe I even notice other loners. I can’t say I specifically remember a time when I saw someone alone and thought “poor guy, all alone.” I’m too busy watching the movie to judge other people. Surely I’m not the only one.

So I guess my question here is, is it socially acceptable to go to the movies alone? While sometimes it may not feel like it, I think in the end it is. Ignore the haters, right? So go see that movie you’ve wanted to watch. When it all comes down to it, you will never see these judgmental movie goers again.

And who cares anyways, you’ll get both of the arm rests.