What do you think of the laptops?
Freshmen weigh in on their new mobile technology
Lenovos line a table in the lecture hall as freshmen receive training during the laptop rollout.
“I like them because we get to use them for homework.”
-Kenzie Riceman
“I hate them because I don’t like PCs. I also don’t like the color.”
-Leslie Barron
“I like it because I get to bring my Macbook from home and it’s much better than the Lenovos.”
-Melanie Gonzalez
“They are really heavy. It makes your backpack heavier than it already was.”
-Bailey Ward
“The new laptops are very helpful and they give me a lot of resources for projects and homework. It’s a lot easier than using my phone.”
-Jordan Scheider
“I’m excited about them but I’m scared the computers will become our teachers and the real teachers will stop teaching.”
-Rachel DeMarco
“They are really cool and I’m glad I have one, but they are a pain to carry around.”
-Rose Dohetrty
“I think that the teachers rely on them too much.”
-Annalisa Gamboa
“I feel like technology is going to improve the class environment.”
-Trevor Stebbins
“I like it because I have Internet.”
-Kaitlyn Faulk
“I thought it was a really good idea to get the laptops because some people struggle with not having the technology their teachers expect them to have for certain assignments.”
-Cameron Casares
“Lenovos are the next big step to students’ education.”
-Jake Lilley
“I personally don’t like computers at all. But, it’s good because I don’t have to fight over it with my siblings.”
-Faith Parsons
“The computers are really helpful, but they make your backpack heavy.”
-Emilie Krienke
“I like it because I can watch Netflix, but I don’t like how I have to carry around my computer and my binders.”
-Liv Oswald
“It’s pretty great.”
–Ashlynn Davidson
“I think the laptops was a great idea and that the school trying to move into the new age of technology, but it in the long run I don’t think it’ll last.”
–Josh Buie
“It’s a really good thing what the school is doing, but they should make it easier for people who can’t afford them.”
-Jarrod Jones