November news highlights
Nurse Jan Carpenter, cheer coach Courtney Hargis and health assistant Pauletta Ulary spot blue, Nov. 19. To raise awareness for Juvenile Diabetes, Raiders wore blue on the date. Blue ribbons was also handed out in Advocate classes for students.
C-Squared hosted Kindness Day, Nov. 14 t remind students to be nice. They also hosted 21 Days of Kindness the last three weeks before the holiday break.
For the Thanksgiving season, Student Council hosted a food drive for Hill Country Ministries.
Teachers competed in a Thanksgiving dessert contest, Nov. 20. Amanda Powell’s Irish Cream Cheesecake won.
Students feasted on turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes for the annual Thanksgiving lunch, Nov. 20.
Rumbler Staff
November 30, 2015
Here are a few highlights for news and events in November that were featured in the Dec. 11 issue of the Raider Rumbler.