Band Holiday Concert, Dec. 9
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Aaron Gantt
Hannah Adams
Savannah Kay
Jacob Milliron, Ronnie Isaac, Kevin Sanchez, Dylan Rexrode
Jacob Milliron
Jacob Milliron, Ronnie Isaac
Grant Doolittle
George Crouch
Riley Jones, Braden Rocio
Cody Quinn
Caleb Whelan
Wyatt Williamson
Jacob Milliron, Ronnie Isaac, Kevin Sanchez and Dylan Rexrode
Matthew Mollard
Skylar Garrett performs with the band at their holiday show.
Jesse Hinostroza, Skylar Garrett
Dawson Mustang
Madison Gould and Nathaniel Northcut play the clarinet.
Lee Crochet directs during the holiday concert.
Zach Ingram & Jules Kasper, Photographers
December 10, 2015