MAKING THE GRADE: mini-editorials


Rumbler Staff

To coincide with the staff editorial each printed issue, the Rumbler staff also compiles four shorter mini-editorials.

DRESS CODE CONFUSION Faculty and administration have been cracking down on the appropriate attire for an educational environment. Unfortunately, it’s been hit or miss – some students are chided for skimpy tops and Nike shorts while others don’t hear a word. If the dress code is being implemented then it should be fair game for all students. Grade: B-

ROAD ISSUES Between of the increase in the student population at both schools, the churches and the construction of the new condos, the two lane road is not ideal. While the school can’t directly do anything to enlarge the roads, this problem is not something that can be brushed under the rug either. The school and community need to come together and express their frustrations to the city of Leander. The narrowness of the roads and the pot holes make driving very dangerous. Grade: C

SAT CHANGES SATs are a lot different this year. There is an all new essay, no penalty for guessing and easier vocabulary. The SAT is also switching to a 1600 scale while in recent years it’s been 2400 points. There are four parts, reading, writing, math and the optional SAT essay with four answer choices. Between the easier vocab, less answering choices, and no penalty for guessing, the SAT should be easier than ever. However, these changes won’t take place until after March 2016. Grade: A+

PEP RALLY PERFECTION Everyone used to go one side of the gym, but now seniors and freshman go through the back side of the gym. This helps the overcrowding and also cuts down on the time it takes to get in and out of the gym. Also, while it’s been hard to hear speakers at previous pep rallies, those holding the mic last week were loud and clear thanks to having a closer grip on the mic. Grade: B+