Rouse Union holds first meeting Friday


Michelle Conteras & Emily Rowe, Rumbler Staffer

To foster a stronger connection with the community, a new initiative has been established, Rouse Union.

The Rouse Union is a forum that enables parents, community members, district and campus leaders to speak out to create a brighter future for all of the students. Guest speakers will occasionally touch up on current events, highlight achievements, and promote feedback to help make the school, as well as LISD, a better place for all of students.

Managing a newsletter as well as a Twitter account, @thisiswhyRHS, the Rouse Union hopes to have strong participation from students and the community. The Twitter account has been retweeting and requoting class events, club successes and other school moments.

The first meeting is Friday, Oct. 2 at 7:30 a.m. Monthly forums will be the first Friday of every month at 7:30 a.m. in the Lecture Hall.