First date disaster


Ally Loynes, Journalism I Staffer

Here’s a situation I’m sure most people haven’t encountered, and honestly I never expected to encounter it myself, but I suppose some things just take you by surprise. My first date. Some guys might take you to a movie, and some might just take you to Starbucks (I mean, who would object to that??), but either way, it’s still a first date that you probably won’t forget.

Well here’s my first date for you. Guys, take some tips on this for what might not be such a great idea. First off, I told him I liked walking; not hiking. He picked me up from work and the first thing we did was go on a hike; I was wearing my Converse sneakers. Idea = bad. Secondly, He had recently asked me if I liked P. Terry’s, and I did. However, I didn’t expect him to take me there on the first date (that also doubled as my first date ever). Now some people are like “Hey, P. Terry’s is cool though” and I would agree, however this one wasn’t even a restaurant, it was just a drive thru. Tip: don’t ask her if there’s a nice parking lot she would like to go to after you’ve gotten your food. It’s a little unnerving, honestly.

Secondly, if you want there to be a second date, don’t totally rush into stuff. I worked with him and we had talked a little bit, but that didn’t mean I was ready for a relationship with him or anything like that. Sitting in the car after having gotten food and now driving to some parking lot with an unknown origin, he then proceeds to ask me if I want to make ‘it’ official. Okay, I have blonde roots, so at first I was like wait what (in my head of course), and then it dawned on me that he was asking me out. Well, now I’m really uncomfortable. I am in a car with this guy that I work with (oh yeah, he’s 17 by the way), driving to a random parking lot, and he has now asked me if I want to make it official. HELP. Needless to say, I politely told him I wasn’t ready for a relationship and the date pretty much ended soon after that.