It’s been three years. And still she feels bitter whenever she sees him. She should have moved on by now. But still, the memory of those three short months haunts her. She still hates him for breaking her heart.
A fight, past relationship, or just a bad case of drama shouldn’t permanently affect a friendship. It shouldn’t affect the rest of our lives, it gets to the point where we just need to forget it and move on.
Holding a grudge just takes up way too much energy. Why spend all that extra time trying to avoid somebody, because of something that happened a long time ago and has no relevance anymore? But no matter how ridiculous it may be, we still have that elephant-in-the-room feeling whenever we are around them.
Some people hold grudges for absolutely ridiculous things. For example, if a couple breaks up, they shouldn’t hold a grudge against each other, regardless of the cause of the break up. Things happen, it doesn’t always work out. But holding a grudge just because someone has an issue with you and feels the need to tell you to your face is just immature. Grow up, people.
Sometimes holding a grudge for a little while is okay, if it is justified. For example, if someone hurts you deeply, or gives you a good reason to be mad. However, you have to be careful not to let it last too long. Eventually, it’s time to leave the past in the past.
Holding a grudge is just not worth it. Why hold something against someone that happened months, or even years ago? We just need to grow up, forget it and move on. Healing past hurts comes only with the passing of time, it just takes patience.