Donations needed for ColorCancer

For $15, students can receive a T-shirt. Friday will have option to donate $1 to throw darts at colored canvas


Michelle Contreras, Rumbler Staffer

To campaign for awareness and support for lesser known cancers, Student Council and representatives from ColorCancer will accept donations in the cafeteria tomorrow. With a $15 donation, students will receive a choice colored shirt.

“The reason we decided to support ColorCancer this year as one of our new charities is because it really is drawing to some of the other cancers that need awareness too but don’t seem to get enough,” Student Council sponsor Keli McCabe said. “That’s one thing I thought was really interesting, looking at the shirt. It’s like, ‘Wow. All those cancers have their own color, have their own month that need awareness raised for them.’ ”

On Friday, April 14, students and faculty are encouraged to wear the shirts they purchased. Student Council will also launch their own campaign for ColorCancer. In exchange for a dollar or two, students can purchase a dart to throw at the canvases with paint on them. The canvases will be multicolored and spell out “Hope.”

“Hopefully, we’ll grow each year to where we can have our campaign day, like Friday, where everyone can wear their shirts from year to year,” McCabe said. “This is just the beginning.”

For a T-shirt order, download this form.