Library Love

Variety of books, supportive staff and comfy seats make it a lovely place


Art by Belle Calderon

Staff Editorial, Rumbler Staff

It’s a quiet place to take a breather from a busy day. It’s a refuge when you need to type up that last-minute assignment you forgot. It’s a gateway to new worlds filled with action, drama, fantasy and sci-fi. For students of every grade, the library is not only a sanctuary but also a home.

First off, the cozy seating. In the library, there are amazing chairs that are scattered throughout and they are the best thing ever. They’re warm and comfy, and cozy and cushy and it’s perfect after a stressing class or a long night with your head in the books. In the morning, you can almost always find seniors hiding out in these chairs during their off period as a way to sleep, read, study or just find a quiet place to think before they start their day. If these chairs were anything like the ones we sit in during class or in the computer labs, the library would not be on the top list of places to hang out at school.

This campus has been blessed with a huge library with a book collection so grand no one will ever get through it, at least not without living in there. The school’s library has a couple thousand books lurking in it and librarian Chin Arritola is working on adding new books to it almost daily. Every couple weeks another order of books comes in for interested students to devour in the comfort of their home (or in those amazing chairs). If you ask around, pretty much all of the students, whether they’re senior or freshman, boy or girl, have read at least one of the books in our extensive library.

The library is also a haven for doing research and classwork. With four sections dedicated to computers, students can complete homework, hunt for books or even receive a quick lesson on Noodle Tools. Every student on campus receives a copy card at the beginning of the year to help with printing needs and those computers are always available to bust out fabulous essays and last minute projects.

But it’s not just the cushy seating or tons of books or even computers that draw students in. It’s the people who run it – two amazing women who keep the fort held down. Arritola and assistant Betty Gatti are phenomenal at keeping up the library and ensuring every student leaves happy and with what they want. Not only are they great resources, they are also great friends to some of the upperclassmen. A typical morning in the library consists of a group of teens standing around the library desk talking with Gatti and Arritola about everything from their favorite read to TV shows and movies. Without Arritola, the library would not be as amazing and extensive. And without Gatti, the library would lack organization and a kind-hearted spirit to lift all the students.

Overall, the campus library is phenomenal and astounding. It’s the perfect nook to hide away in and indulge in a great fantasy book or even chat with the librarians. It’s a safe and homey environment for students to go and work and do just about anything else they need to do.