Friday Advocate becomes a reading period for students


Kristin Nicol, Co-Editor & Chief

A new reading Advocate called Raider Reading has been weaved into the school’s Friday schedule as of Friday, March 6. In this new Advocate students will have to spend at least 20 minutes of the Advocate period to read.

“Reading and writing are the two most important skills you will use for the rest of your lives,” Principal John Graham said. “In regard to learning, to studying, to being in the work force. Whatever job or career you choose, reading and writing are essential.”

Reading Advocate was made in order to give students the chance to read for pleasure rather than as a necessity for classes. Students have permission to read whatever they’d like as long as it is school appropriate and as long as they are actually reading.

“I enjoy reading,” Graham said. “I read every day, so I encourage you to take advantage of this time.”

The idea for Raider Reading came about to encourage students to learn and enjoy learning in their own time and not just via the requirement of their teachers.

“Reading is very important. Reading for pleasure is very important,” Graham said. “I know that there are times as a student where we have to read things that we don’t like to read, be it in social studies, English, or math, or science or an elective.”