Celebrate beauty of all shapes and sizes


Hannah Davey, J1 Staffer

In a recent poll, 97 percent of girls reported having a negative body image. Ninety seven percent of girls should not have to look at themselves and not like how they look. Ninety seven percent of girls should not have multiple negative thoughts about themselves every day. No girl should hate her body.

Beauty magazines, media and our society as a whole perpetuate a culture in which girls feel obligated to become the perfect skinny, conventionally beautiful girl. This isn’t okay. No girl should hate themselves for being overweight or too skinny, for being too tall or too short, or anything else. No girl should have to resort to starving herself or developing eating disorders.

We need to stop telling skinny girls to eat a burger, stop making fat girls feel inferior, and instead let every girl know that she is beautiful the way she is. Whether girls want to work out every day and wear makeup and dresses or they prefer not to, girls deserve support for however they look like or dress.

It’s time to stop overediting and Photoshopping women on magazine covers. Provide representation for every kind of female, regardless of size or shape or color or any other variable. Don’t try to make one girl feel better by putting down another. This isn’t a competition. If somebody wants to change how they look to feel better about themselves, more power to them. But nobody should feel obligated to. Every girl deserves to feel beautiful.