On a Small Scale


Michelle Contreras, Editor in Chief

Career Tech teacher Steven Boots assigned his Civil Engineering class an Architectural project; pick a style and design a model of a building.

“We were able to choose what type of architecture style we wanted to study and design,” senior Max Cannon said. “Then we wrote two paragraphs about it.”

Like any project, it aimed to teach the students something.

“I learned building models of buildings is a lot harder than it seems,” junior Robert Weeks said. “The materials usually do not want to work right and if you make a single mis-cut you’ll either have to run with it or restart entirely on that piece.”

The class had two periods to complete the project plus time outside of school. Some students took up to six or seven hours to perfect their model.

“It helps us better understand the architectural style like if I wanted to build a neoclassical building or design one, this would help me understand the characteristics of the style,” junior Weston Duel said. “I liked building [the white house] and it was fun to build and I’m glad it turned out pretty good. It was made out of stacked cardboard and foam board.”