Binge watching essentials

If you’re going to stare for hours on end at your TV or laptop, it’s best to be prepared for the long haul

  • Netflix. This is the best way to binge. Netflix has everything that you want to watch, including several series only available online like House of Cards and Orange is the New Black. Plus, it comes with suggestions for movies and TV shows to help you if you’re looking for a new show to tune into.
  • Sweatpants. Ditch the jeans; you’re going to be sitting for a long time, might as well be comfortable while you’re at it. Plus, sweats are all nice and cozy, perfect to repel the winter freeze. Binge Watching TV.indd
  • Junk food. Let’s be real, you’re going to be glued to your TV or computer for multiple hours so you need to have quick and easy food an armful away. So plop the chips, salsa, soda and candy bars on the coffee table in no rhyme or fashion so you’re ready when you’re starving at 3 a.m. and in the middle of How to Get Away With Murderer.
  • Homework ignored. Think about it: the only reason that you are dedicating your life to 13 hours of Supernatural or Friends is because you’re not motivated to do your homework. Let it sit there and antagonize you. You’ll think, I really need to do my work. But you want to finish those late few episodes of the season and then you will work on your homework. In all honesty, you watched three seasons in one night and you still forgot about your homework. So leave it out, let your homework sit there. Heck, why not get a chocolate stain on that an assignment that’s still not done? The truth you’ll just throw it together in Advocate like you always do.
  • Your baby blanket or any blanket for that matter. This is the cherry on top, so just do grab it and be warm and cozy.

Now you have the perfect items to have the ultimate binge watching experiences. So snuggle up and eat hard because it’s going to be a long time before I will have your attention again.

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