Emily Spitler, 9th


WHAT CLUBS AND SPORTS ARE YOU INVOLVED WITH? I am in JV Theatre Arts. I don’t really do sports.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SONIC DRINK? I love the Purple-O. It’s a mix of Sprite, Power-ade and some other flavoring.

WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE TEACHER? My favorite teacher is Ms. Howard. I love how loud and energetic she can be. Plus she’s a great teacher.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT ROUSE? They have an awesome theatre program.

IF YOU RAN THE SCHOOL, WHAT ONE THING WOULD YOU CHANGE? How far we have to walk from class to class.

WHAT IS ONE WORD TO DESCRIBE YOU? Probably flamboyant.

ONE WORD TO DESCRIBE YOUR I-POD PLAYLIST? Weird. Ha ha, I listen to some pretty weird music.

YOU’RE NOT EMBARRASED TO ADMIT: That I am obsessed with dogs. Especially mine.

BIGGEST DIFFERENCE FROM LAST YEAR? How responsible I have had to become. I have always been responsible, but even more so now. You can’t slip up in high school.

WHAT ARE YOU OBSESSED WITH? My dogs. They’re like people to me. I love them.

WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST WORRY? Probably just getting behind. It’s really hard to catch up.